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10 Ways To Improve Your Recovery After Surgery

Advancement in science and technology has made even the most complex surgeries minimally invasive. However, recovery from any surgery takes a long time. If you are considering surgical treatment like a mommy makeover, tummy tuck, or liposuction, you might be wondering how you can heal faster and return to your normal life and work sooner. Here are ten ways to improve your recovery after surgery:

1. Follow your doctor’s instruction

Your doctor will probably give you a set of instructions to follow for a few days after the surgery like not wetting the area or lifting anything heavy. It is unwise to disregard your doctor's instructions as you recover.

2. Protect yourself from infection

The site of surgery remains prone to infection until it heals completely. Contamination with microbes or foreign objects can delay the healing process. Make sure to wash your hands properly before touching the area to prevent contamination.

3. Take care of the site of surgery

The site of surgery might stay painful to the touch and swollen for a few days after the procedure. Take a good look at the area for a minute to inspect any changes. If you see anything unusual, contact your doctor immediately.

4. Keep yourself hydrated

Inadequate water intake can make our body dehydrated, which hinders the healing process. Make sure you drink plenty of water so that your wound heals better and the risk of scarring reduces.

5. Do not compromise on your nutrition

Proper nutrition is very essential for your body to heal after surgery. Make sure you have ample amounts of Vitamins D, C, E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids to help improve your immune system.

6. Stay active

Staying in bed can slow down your recovery process. Rather, walking around the house, and doing light chores can help you stay active and help you to recover faster.

7. Refrain from driving

Doctors often advise people not to drive after they have undergone surgical treatment. The medications can slow your reflexes. Furthermore, the area of surgery might get stretched, delaying recovery.

8. Take medication as prescribed

It is never smart to skip your prescribed medication. Even though you think you can bear the pain, make sure you take your medications as advised.

9. Take rest

Taking rest is very important for your recovery. While you might be wanting to go back to work as soon as possible, please remember, proper resting can accelerate wound healing and speed up your recovery time.


Lymphatic drainage therapy promotes the drainage of congested, toxin-laden lymphatic fluid from the site of surgery and replenishes it with lymphatic fluids containing antibodies and white blood cells, thus, ensuring faster healing times.

Keep in mind these ten tips can help you recover faster and more effectively after you have undergone any surgery. But, if you are facing any discomfort, consult your doctor immediately.

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