Doctors often advise manual lymphatic drainage therapy after cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, mastectomies and mommy makeovers. A trained lymphatic therapist can help you heal faster after these surgical procedures by manipulating your lymphatic system to speed up the recovery process. Let’s talk about the 5 top reasons why you need to consult a lymphatic therapist after your cosmetic surgery.
Why is Lymphatic Therapy needed after Cosmetic Surgery?
After cosmetic surgeries, as the body heals, lymphatic fluids (containing fats and white blood cells) rush to the specific areas of surgery to supply it with increased white blood cells. The white blood cells accelerate the healing of damaged tissues and protect the site from infection. Additionally, the lymphatic fluid helps remove cellular wastes and toxins from those regions and drains them out.
Sometimes surgeries can disrupt the natural function of the lymphatic system. As a result, the lymphatic fluid often fails to drain from that area and accumulates, resulting in swelling.
A lymphatic therapist performs manual stimulation of lymphatic drainage by manipulating different regions of the body. They use wave-like rhythmic strokes to open the obstructed lymphatic channels to help the excess fluid drain out. Lymphatic massage stimulates the nervous system as well and helps promote relaxation.
Benefits of Lymphatic Therapy after Cosmetic Surgery:
The lymphatic massage performed by a lymphatic therapist helps restore the natural functions of the lymphatic system and provides benefits like:
Faster healing at the site of surgery by transporting a higher number of white blood cells to the area.
Improve relaxation and relieve stress by manipulating the muscle fibers.
Promote drainage of the lymph, thus reducing the risk of scarring and fibrosis.
Eliminating the excess water, thereby reducing fluid retention and edema.
Provide aesthetic benefits, as the toxins from the site of surgery get eliminated and the skin becomes more radiant.
So to recap, help your lymphatic system to function more efficiently, promote faster recovery and protect yourself from infection by getting manual lymphatic drainage. We hope this article has helped you understand how a lymphatic therapist can help you after you have undergone cosmetic surgery.